Propaganda – “Save the water”

Propaganda – “Save the water”

Czech republic

We have prepared several posters with propaganda Save water.

We talked to all students and have warned them about risks of high water consumption.

We made a regular announcements in a schoolโ€˜s radio about the importance of water in our lives.

We have placed visible labels with propaganda to save water above all sinks.

We have purchased a new dishwashes into the schoolโ€˜s kitchen.

We have placed visible labels with propaganda to save water in the toilets and bathrooms.

We have purchased new water taps and dual-flushing toilets.

And we have also created a video under the title: SAVE WATER


The Spanish campaign to save water in the school was developed in two phases:

– Posters and pictures to place near the toilets and fountains of the school.

– 12-year-old students visited the classes of the older students to encourage them to have a responsible usage of water.

Here you have the three posters we have designed: