Compilation of a “Theatre team” participating in mobility (students aged 12 –
15) – this team will take part in dramatization of a Lithuanian fairy tale (legend) during the 6th mobility. Preparation of drama performance in the freetime in the afternoon. Lithuanian school prepares screenplay, each participating school prepares costumes
and students learn dramatization with help of an English teacher. Drama
performance as a result of this activity during the 6th mobility, photographs +
video creation which will be placed on Twinspace and websites.
After considering the hard situation in whole Europe, and the uncertainty of the near future, all project partners agreed not to prolong the project. It’s really sad that we won’t be able to finish all project activities as planned, but nobody could have ever imagined this pandemic with Covid-19 could happen…
All project partners should have started working on this activity before the meeting in Lithuania, where studunts were supposed to perform a theatre play about a traditional Lithuanian legend. Because of the schools’ closure since March, students couldn’t start working on this activity. And of course it is not possible to organize the meeting in Lithuania because of the pandemic situation, therefore this activity will not be completed.